
‘tender are the stairs of heaven' by yayoi kusama, came into my life at the perfect time.

after losing dad in 2008 I went into a period of grief, upheaval, and disconnection. i would take zoe, my daughter to the ngv often and just sit.

on this day , we walked into a room within a room, and there it was. stairs to heaven, tender are the stairs to heaven, how poetic.

 I saw it and wept.

 I knew dad was safe because of his strong belief in god, and it gave me a flood of comfort that I would see him again. I have no idea if it is true, but sometimes just a belief, a personal belief that's hurts no one, can bring a huge calmness and silence to your soul.

washing lines

I admit I have an obsession with washing, does it come from childhood? coming from a family of 13 and me being no 10, there was a lot of it, a lot of hanging ,taking off, folding.

I remember being overwhelmed with zoe as a baby, but I knew how to vacuum, wash and be a domestic goddess.

these pieces put shapes together on a thread, they depict a simple domestic chore and the simplicity of taking care of the items you use for adornment or indeed the practical

apron earrings

I think it was about 2015, 2016 that I started making apron earrings, they had a pocket too, but as you keep making, the design moves too. they are wee works of art , progression of design made me put a removable hook in so you could easily turn them around so you could have 3 combos, brilliant idea I thought . they named after my mum, she always had an apron on, that generation hey